
All is FAKE

Taken from Dev :
Yesterday there was a big fuzz, as one of my friend's art works were deleted, or so said, had to be deleted, because some self approved moderator and her court of art decided to report for tracing art, which is against the deviatart policy and in the United State of America it is also against the law. (smell of A.C.T.A. - who will return to us next February and it might decided to stay too). Well at many times I was next to her when she was drawing those, and she didn't have a pc opened, a comic book opened , nothing to copy from, but yest she is blamed for plagiarism. How it is I see so many characters that resemble and nobody those nothing because they know somebody who knows somebody, who knows somebody ...and they have an army of zombies and protection. Corruption is on this page too, I knew, and politics, which I hate deeply form my heart. Anyways, now it questions me the idea, that maybe if I use a pencil like the other is against the law, or if I play guitar as the other person...like O.K. ... I should be imprisoned for eternity.

COME ON PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, if the person doesn't want to get any profit from her art or work, just maybe build some self-confidence to advance in what she does, by maybe getting some compliments, is a crime. And hey, what about the past? When there were no laws like this and people like Salvador Dali and Picasso stud out from the crowed of art tracers?
Anyway that is the past, and even though you so much fear your special little "scratches" you still leave it here for people to download it, just to be able to blame them later? What gives ???...
The funny part is the true artist, says , "Keep going, I am happy you found inspiration ... You copied me maybe, but soon you will find your own talent and mark" Yes, you don't meet people like this anymore. The true artist is not trying to kill the young ling, it helps he/her to develop, through wise words, and gives advice to grow into a perfect competitor. The competition is there, why destroy the spirit of the people because of the difference of level.
As an admire of art this is what I say. But today corporations blind people in believing false policies and ideas, so in a way they commercialism them self through them,better said, they are building a clone army.

The other thing that has drawn to my attention is the idea, about suing and blaming anything that decreases the profit on some product. My example would be, the music industry.
America again started to "bomb" Japan, rhetorically speaking. They now claimed that the super popular cyber pop diva of Vocaloid, is FAKE.
HATSUNE MIKU IS FAKE. Saying it is just a hologram, and yet people like it. It is just a pagan  idolatry, when real artist lose their jobs, and fame. Well if the real thing gone so bad that it teaches the modern youngsters how to be a real DOUCHE!!! - than I am sorry, I rather stay with the fake cyber music. Of course we could say Japan is trying to make profit out of the fans too.
Well it is a free world you listen to what you want
As a conclusion ... don't forget that , the "trash" that we gather in our lives, the ideas, we leave for the future, will influence the fun industry, and it will be impossible to not be blamed by the influence we, they, all gives to the future.

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