
Anivár Anime and Japanese Culture  Club is a Transylvania-Hungarian club as a part of the Bihor Countries Hungarian Students Union H.Q in Romania, Bihor country,in  the city  of Oradea . The club is been active since  dec. 19th 2007 for more than over 5 years. Since than the club had 2 Anime conventions(Yoshicon)  in 2010 and 2012, 5 interactive games accopinied by famouse card game YU-GI-OH and Gammer sessions with the event name Otaku Unleashed, 6 out-door events called Japanese Picnic and 5 Halloween Cos-play parties. This club gave birth to our karaoke team, as most of the members where all members. By the way each year we attend on their Anime convention as the karaoke organizers, so come check us out .

 C.A.T/M.I.A.U. is an unofficial  Anime and Japanese culture bi-lingual (Hu/Ro) club, based in Târgu-Mureş, Mureş country, Romania .The club was formed in 18th of December 2010, by the local anime fan-girl and Karaoke Freak Country member Neko Kurosaki. Momentary they don't have an official H.Q. but they fave all sorts and types of programs. The little club is growing bigger and bigger. Maybe in the future they will be having national clubs too, so if you can check them out. They also attend at Yoshicon, so you might find them there too. 

(Erdélyi Animések Klubja)
So much to say about this club, they single-handily gathered all the Romanian-Hungarian Anime Fans under one online group on Facebook, they made the ultimate connection between these people, before anybody else would have thought about it, or knew about each other. Now they have their own little blog, but it is only Hungarian. But if you trust your translator skills or your not afraid to use Google translate , check them out.    

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