
あけましておめでとうございます!(Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu)

Well, we still have 5 and a half hours till that, but almost there. So we say good bye to 2011, and hope 2012 brings a better year.(don't listen to Mayans, Aztecs, who ever..). We all have our New Years Eve resolution, and we all know what we wish for ,(パーティー ,Pātī = "Party" ), and some more interesting animes, mangas, events, the best cosplayer of the year prize, or hopefully some of you...the best karaoke party. And at this moment, we are all hurring to finish our choirs till next year arrives, or shoping for the party, which should have been done, 2 days ago...damn.

After all shopping and choirs are done, we are heading to friends or friends coming to us, or just the cozy little family party, and we have fun till the New Year arrives ...and after.

And don't forget to karaoke !!


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