Well there you have it, life is about laws, proclamations, philosophies that have no meanings, and penalties. We just got our first "victim of copywriter message, we might get our whole account delete , love you YouTube. So we couldn't even become as big as we wished, and we are already called to confront the court of these lovely people. Oh and by the way , "Magia" was deleted by them, and Sony is the one who has called me to the court. So if is true, than damn I need a good lawyer:)).....ok so internet is not free anymore, already have trouble with connecting. ONLY MONEY THAT COUNTS in this rotten world. But if anyone visits our little site, don't worry. We will not let us be fooled by these rubbish words, of law penalty and others. And we will stay alive...only we will use MEGAUPLOAD and 4share to get our karaokes out into the world. Because other wise, they will delete all our accouts, and that would be sad.:( So one more week and the channel will be emptied just like a recycle bin. But you can catch us here on this blog. Wish us luck , Jana !
Good news, Magia is still up on our site, just click anime karaoke ....haha!! they will not stop us >:)