
Do something and get nothing....

Well I almost ran out of my free time , and my vacation is about to end, and the list is still not ready. On one hand, I have Jigouko Shoujo openings, all three of them, on the other hand, I have two members that really enjoy their vacation and I don't blame them. So it comes down to this ....I will try to enjoy my vacation too, so there will be some delay. I already tried amateur film making and camera man stuff, of course it won't work unless your a pro....cosplayers do not work with amateur , cosplayers do not talk with "wannabees" , oh and cosplayers, have short temper, and don't really care about others or their problems.....or maybe just the ones I know.

So in the rest of my "free time", I will (sadly) not go to a picnic with the cosplayers , but I will stay at home, and make plans for my future boring times. Until everybody is enjoying their times. So much plans, yet only one human....that is sad, but cloning my self would be the end of this world as we know it.
But lets talk about something that has to do something with karaokes , and that is .....

the explication to the picture ....Kore Ha Zombie desuka ?

Yeah it's a winter anime and the op karaoke is ready, finally
.....tomorrow I will upload it as we know it , and shall see what happens.
I kinda feel like a zombie my self now . I think midnight is for sleeping ...yes , your mom was right all the long ....the score is now 1:1 , it's a tied!
Well see you around when I am ready with Hell Girl openings, and still working on the torrent idea, you know , nothing is free.....darn....so JANA!!!

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