
Need a Party , You say????

First of all, YODA speaks like that, SECOND , I agree, and yeah we should make one, just name the place, time ....One more thing, we will need people, especially anime fans .....karaoke, j-rock, j-pop and maybe some EINKA...hahaha


  1. OH, boss is evil...I can not join in since I live far away....oh and I made account on google , BANZAI for me .... and I was away, so I couldn't make karaokes....me sad:(....but now I will...I have a free day, and nobody is at home ... and I do not speak like YODA, boss I will remove your feathers...for one more like that ...>:) You will have to buy me a lot of ice-screams. ^.^

  2. Yuri i see you like ice-screams ?!?! XD

  3. Ohhhhhh.... a fan....Buy me ICE-cream or I SCREAM ^.^

  4. Oh....yeah I know I made a mistake...but since where I live its kinda cold...it could be a scream tooo...

  5. Attila -kun , I wanna steal your toy if that is yours, and no wonder she is scared, wrong master>:) evil laughing all the way ...:P
